Elitedrive power module faqs - elitedrive new zealand
Nissan np300 dyno with elitedrive module


The Power Module intercepts your vehicle’s drive data and in real time is able to adjust your tune to match that of a real world dyno derived performance tune carried out on a vehicle exactly like yours. A dyno run is carried out, and 5 real world tunes are developed from mild to maximum.

Those 5 tunes are then tested to make sure air/fuel ratio’s and exhaust gas temps are all within manufacturer’s specifications. Power gains are generated by applying dynamic fuel rail tuning while simultaneously making available up to 3psi more boost which will bring your engine to life.

The optimizations applied in each map improve engine power and enhance performance that results in fuel savings and a much more enjoyable drive.

The Power Module is designed to work within the factory tolerances and design specifications of your engine, requiring no hardware upgrades for successful results.

Our default maps do not excessively raise maximum fuel rail pressure, preventing wear on the vehicle’s fuel system (fuel pump and injectors). There should be no issues if the engine being tuned is mechanically sound.

Every engine responds uniquely when tuned and results will vary across different mileages, but you can expect up to 30% gains in power and torque at various locations across the rev range.

We claim up to 30% more power and torque at various locations across the rev range but this is not to be confused with adding 30% over the peak power of an engine.

For example, a Nissan NP300 gains 70Nm over peak torque which is around 16% above original. However at 2380rpm, there is an additional 142Nm created over the standard power level, giving you a full 48% gain in torque at this location in the rev range. While we claim up to 30% more power and torque, we very often deliver much more than this, but these gains are always well within the capabilities and reserves of your engine and transmission.

Tuned torque peaks at 2380rpm producing 465Nm. This is a 142Nm gain on stock at this point in the rev range.This tuned torque holds at least 63Nm gain over stock until the end of the run.

We cannot safely add 30% more power and torque over the original “Peak” power figures but our power gains are made as soon as boost is generated and results are felt across the whole rev range, not just up top, and all these results are achieved with no hardware changes required.


Many sellers of chips and power modules claim incredible power gains that are well beyond what a tune will produce without extensive hardware upgrades. You must also consider that higher power figures are not always necessarily better. Typing a larger number does not make a tuner more skilled, but it might make them more irresponsible. At Elitedrive, our focus is real world reliable gains, and we are very careful about not pushing components too hard. We have an excellent track record, and have never had an engine prematurely fail with one of our retail products.

The Power Module is reading information in real time from your fuel rail and boost sensors, adapting the fueling signal based on the Power Map selected, and sending the modified signal out in real time. This means your vehicle is being constantly tuned as you drive.

The Power Module creates more power and torque at lower revs, allowing you to drive in a higher gear than normal, using less fuel for the same workload. The byproduct of this is a fuel saving, especially driving on the motorway using a constant throttle.

Every Power Map will offer a different shape to the power. However we suggest installing with the standard Map C, setting 6 as this is an ideal setting to promote low/midrange power gains along with economy benefits for most vehicles. Any changes from standard should be gradual and tested.

The Power Module allows you to choose between 5 different Power Maps ranging from Mild to Maximum Power. We send the Power Module out on Map C, intensity setting 6 which covers most vehicles with a nice mix of power and economy benefits.

Elitedrive power module tuning and adjustments

*When adjusting the unit you should adjust it one setting at a time. For example, move from setting 5 to setting 6 then test the car and see how it drives. If you need more performance move on to the next map (eg B to C). It is not sensible to move to a high power map (E) without testing the intermediate maps or fine adjustments first (1-9). If you adjust the numbered dial up too high, your car may enter limp mode by triggering the fuel rail pressure sensor. If this happens, turn the numbered dial down and test again.

Aa 1 | elitedrive new zealand

We have found that more than 90% of Power Modules sold are simply Plug & Play installs. Because we use 100% OEM quality connections, this allows our plugs to connect safely to your vehicle’s existing wiring loom and rail/fuel sensors.
Most installs take under 20 minutes with a small delay to allow the vehicle to power down. There are very few vehicles that take longer than this for installation.

F.A.Q's We Get Asked

No. The Power Module has 5 Power Maps and 10 intensity settings so we can fine tune very old and very new vehicles. New vehicles may require running a lower Power Map such as Map B setting 5 until they reach 10,000kms when you can turn it up to C6 and test. Older engines will often take a much higher power setting because of the wear their fueling systems have endured over time.

If you turn the settings up too high, the fuel rail pressure relief valve may trigger and the vehicle will enter into safety (limp) mode. If this happens, turn the settings down again and retest.

Unlike many other tuning product manufacturers on the market, our Power Modules require no modification to the wiring loom or connectors of your vehicle. If the Power Module is removed then the vehicle will return completely to its stock form.

Our Power Modules are mapped carefully so as to not over fuel and cause your vehicle to emit black smoke. If your vehicle did not smoke before, it should not smoke with the fitment of one of our Power Modules at the supplied setting.

Our Power Modules are mapped carefully so as to not over fuel and cause your vehicle to emit black smoke. If your vehicle did not smoke before, it should not smoke with the fitment of one of our Power Modules at the supplied setting.

No. High flow exhaust will help extract hot exhaust gas temps, this is not as relevant with DPFs because they require high heat to regenerate. Power Module tunes are set so you can install with absolutely no intake or exhaust modifications, if you do make these modifications in future, the Power Module will make the most of those upgrades on higher map settings.

We’re constantly updating our website to include new vehicles, however if you find a vehicle isn’t listed please drop us an Email us or Call us, and we will provide information regarding compatibility and purchasing.

In New Zealand, to be 100% road registered and compliant, it is a requirement that the vehicle owner obtains a LVV certificate for some vehicles. Please clarify with VIRM at https://vehicleinspection.nzta.govt.nz/virms

Fuel 01 1 | elitedrive new zealand


The Power Module creates more torque at lower revs, guaranteeing you savings. Driven with economy benefits in mind, this allows for changing gears sooner and using higher gears than usual.

Warranty & Guarantee

We suggest telling your insurance company to be 100% sure you are covered when tuned. While adding a petrol tuning module will often-times be viewed in a negative light by an insurance company because the end result is about faster acceleration and higher performance, a diesel doesn’t portray this type of image. We have only heard of positive feedback when telling insurance companies you have tuned for safer towing and better fuel economy.

Like many aftermarket accessories, because you are changing the performance characteristics of the vehicle, if found, your Manufacturers Warranty is likely going to be voided. The benefit of the Power Module is that once removed, there is no trace left in the ECU the Power Module was ever installed. If you remove both the loom and Power Module before Warranty Servicing, you are 100% safe to have your vehicle serviced with no issues.

EliteDrive Guarantee’s that the Product you are purchasing is free from material defects and sub-standard workmanship.

We offer a full 3 Year Warranty applicable to the Original Purchaser.

Please contact us for any Warranty issues. We will rectify any problems asap.

As per the Consumer Laws, we will Repair, Replace or Refund any Warranty claims. Most of the time an issue is due to a crimped cable or faulty connection, so a 100% replacement is offered, but EliteDrive will decide on the best solution on a case by case basis.

If the installation was not carried out correctly, or the Product was accidentally damaged during installation or operation, then the Warranty will not cover the damaged goods. Mis-use & abuse, accidental or deliberate damage is not covered.

We are 100% sure you will love the performance of your new Elitedrive Throttle Booster that we offer a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee.

This means if you are not completely satisfied with the performance of this Product, and would like a refund, please contact us at Contact us if you have purchased via our websites and we will advise where to return the product in order to organize a full refund.

If you have purchased from an EliteDrive Dealer, please contact them directly and they will enact the Money Back Guarantee for your full refund.



2011-jaguar-xf-3. 0-twin-turbo-luxury-with-oem-specs

177kw Kilowatts
500 Nm Torque

2011-jaguar-xf-3. 0-twin-turbo-luxury-with-oem-specs

202kw Kilowatts
600Nm Torque

“If Power Module Chip Tuning works so well…..
Why don’t Car Makers do it too?”

They do.
There are many models on the market from companies like Jaguar and BMW, where if you pay more money, you get more power from the same engine.

For example:
The Jaguar 3.0 twin turbo XF Luxury model generates 500Nm,
while the Premium version with the same engine generates 600Nm.

Both engines feature the exact same hardware components and it’s only the software package that sets these engines apart.

So you can upgrade your engine power, available though a car dealer if you spend extra money for a different software package.

This means there’s a level of restriction applied across a huge range of vehicles that a Power Module can dramatically improve upon.

This also gives clarity regarding the safety of generating more power without the requirement for any hardware upgrades, because additional engine power is generally available through a dealer via the installation of new software alone.


Most tuning kits on the market only connect to your fuel rail and alter your fuel rail pressure for power gains.

The downsides to running a single input tuning system are:
– Over-fueling which can result in black smoke
– Over-fueling causes your DPF to prematurely fill. Early replacement of
  this expensive item is the result.
– Over-fueling because there is no detection of turbo on/off transition
– Dangerously Hot Exhaust Gases from over-fueling during long drives
under constant heavy loads

and the list goes on…….put simply,
if a power module connects with ONE plug, it is inferior in every way to our tuning system.
But there are tuning kits on the market that also connect to the boost sensor. 

The few companies that connect to fuel rail and boost sensors do so in order to more accurately fuel during the turbo on/off transition, but they still rely solely on fuel rail pressure increases for power gains and do not make available up to 3psi more boost. There are a few that tune via pulse width expansion that connect to both rail and boost but these are often $1600+.

The Elitedrive Power Module takes information from your boost sensor and fuel rail sensor and is able to simultaneously raise both signals in order to keep your all important air-fuel ratio’s stable and within the Manufacturer’s specifications. This makes a massive improvement in performance over single input fuel rail only systems.

This additional connection allows a whole host of benefits. These include –
– Lower in cylinder temperatures.
– Lower exhaust gas temperatures.
– Better Fuel Economy.
– An almost identical to factory air/fuel ratio throughout the rev range.
– Lower particulate matter (soot).
– Higher torque and power throughout the entire rev range.

*Monitoring and increasing boost pressure isn’t necessarily about high performance or racing applications. Increasing fuel and boost in harmony is always the best approach if your budget allows.

The kits on the market that adjust timing (pulse width expansion) are often $1600+. As well as an obvious price difference, the way the power is generated is also very different.

Common rail injection systems do not run at a fixed pressure as standard. They use a variable pressure throughout the rev range. For example, a vehicle with an “1800bar” fuel system will at idle typically run only around 300bar fuel pressure. At 2000rpm at full throttle it might run 1000bar and at 4500rpm at full throttle it will get to somewhere in the region of 1700bar. Manufacturers rarely run fuel systems to their limit in order to give some future flexibility.

This means that at 2000rpm we have headroom to increase fuel pressure by up to 800bar without exceeding factory specs (clearly you would never go that far). Going through the rev range we can continue to increase fuel pressure without exceeding factory maximums. At the very top end of the rev range we can either keep the fuel pressure within factory maximums, or slightly increase them.

Our default maps tend to stay below the factory maximum limits unless the engine is very low mileage. Depending on fuel system type, we sometimes offer alternative maps that increase maximum fuel pressure slightly at the top end of the rev range. We have found that by taking this approach we can increase power and torque absolutely as much as necessary for almost the entire rev range. We are limited slightly at the very top of the rev range if we don’t choose to raise maximum fuel pressure, but this is not usually a problem for most vehicles or customers who are interested in reliability over all out power gains.

By using dynamic rail pressure tuning we inject the additional fuel in exactly the same window as the factory system does, maintaining efficiency, power and torque output.

Injector pulse width extension is often claimed to be better by manufacturers  and distributors of very expensive power modules. Whilst there are some advantages of this method, principally that you can add a huge amount of fuel at almost any point in the rev range, it does have some big drawbacks.

Adding pulse width injects fuel later in the stroke.
This means:
– There is less time available to burn the added fuel.
– The piston is further away when we are trying to increase cylinder pressure.      Trying to push something that is already accelerating away is inherently less efficient.
– Less efficiency means creating more heat for the same power increase.

When compared with dynamic rail pressure tuning,
This results in:
– Higher in-cylinder and exhaust gas temperatures. (bad for your engine)
– More smoke (bad for your DPF and the environment)
– Poorer fuel economy (bad for your bank balance)

The only way that it would be possible to improve upon this would be to change the start of injection to an earlier point before extending the pulse width (as you would when remapping the vehicle). Unfortunately this would be hugely complicated, and would require crankshaft (as well as camshaft) sensor input. No manufacturers are currently taking this approach.

We are not aware of any injector pulse width extending product that compare to Elitedrive Power Modules, that also increases boost pressure, which is fundamentally important in order to keep a balanced air/fuel ratio when injecting a large amount of additional fuel.

Elitedrive Power Modules features full boost control and does this by ensuring that boost pressure is increased to match the increase in fueling. It also actively monitors boost pressure as an input to get the best torque output whilst preventing smoke or over-fueling.

Ultimately whilst both methods have their pros and cons, rail pressure tuning has allowed us to get as much additional fuel as we require in 95% of situations. More fuel is injected in exactly the same window as standard and we don’t see a negative impact on fuel systems even after over 200,000 miles with our systems fitted to commercial vehicles during long term testing.

Adding pulse width injects fuel later in the stroke
This means:
– There is less time available to burn the added fuel.
– The piston is further away when we are trying to increase cylinder pressure. Trying to push something that is already accelerating away is inherently less efficient.
– Less efficiency means creating more heat for the same power increase.

When compared with dynamic rail pressure tuning
This results in:
– Higher in-cylinder and exhaust gas temperatures. (bad for your engine)
– More smoke (bad for your DPF and the environment)
– Poorer fuel economy (bad for your bank balance)


Understanding the differences



A tuning box or Power Module is a physical piece of hardware that provides very similar modifications to the cars mapping values. However, instead of modifying the vehicles ECU software, this is left alone and the power module plugs into the cars wiring loom. This enables the power module to modify the signals from the ECU in real time, meaning that if the power module were to be removed, the vehicle returns back to 100% standard. This is ideal for when others drive the vehicle, or you are selling your vehicle.



A remap is a modification to the cars factory ECU (engine control unit) by which the values of the engine mapping are changed at various points to improve power and/or fuel economy. A good remap is carried out on a rolling road, where the re-mapper uses a computer to reprogram your ECU with new software. When selling the vehicle, you will sell your tune along with it.


Understanding the differences



A tuning box or Power Module is installed by
connecting the unit to sensors in your engine bay.


Depending on the type of engine and the Power Module
in use, these sensors can include common rail fuel
pressure, boost, CAM and MAP sensors.


Power Modules are supplied with 100%
OEM connectors and offer a simple plug and play install.


On most vehicles, a Power Module is a DIY solution
and installation is often completed in under 20 minutes.


Vehicle-ecu-tuning-step 1

Many cars can be remapped by connecting
a computer via the cars OBD port and copying
a mapping file across to the ECU.


There are also many cars that require the ECU
to be removed from the vehicle and opened
to be mapped in a workshop.


There are also many cars that require the ECU
to be removed from the vehicle and opened to be
mapped in a workshop.


This involves opening the ECU and connecting a computer
using probes linked directly to the circuit board.
This is often referred to as bench tuning. Remaps should be carried
out by a trained technician and is not a DIY solution.

Common ECU “VS” Power Module Setup Questions

Mapping an engine via the OBD port carries very little risk of physical damage, the biggest risk is the file that is being programmed. Many mobile mappers who use this method, often purchase generic map files from internet suppliers. If the file is not suitable for your engine, you could see performance and reliability issues.

Bench tuning carries the same risks as OBD tuning but also has a risk of physical damage. ECU’s are not intended to be opened and so to access the circuit board, ECU’s need to be prized open or even drilled into. Not only does this risk damaging the internal components but any signs of damage or tampering with your ECU will 100% void any warranty on the vehicle.

Another risk to remapping is manufacturer software updates. It is quite common that manufacturers will release software updates. An update is applied by flashing the ECU with the latest software files, this will overwrite any remap and return the engine to stock mapping.

There are 3 simple steps to installing a Power Module.
1. Turn off your engine and let the ECU power down.
2. Connect the supplied wiring harness to the specified sensors and connect the Power Module.
3. Route the wiring loom away from any moving parts or parts that may get excessively hot, such as the EGR pipe.

If you disconnect a sensor whilst your ECU is powered up, you may get an engine management light on your dashboard. This error will clear on its own after a few warm up and cool down cycles or can be removed with a fault code reader.

The only other risk is the potential to damage a connector. It’s rare that this happens but we do advise users to use the harness supplied with your box to familiarize yourself with the connectors and how the locking tabs engage.

A remap is a permanent modification of your ECU. It’s permanent in the sense that the user is unable to put the car back to stock mapping. In order to have your factory mapping restored, you would need to schedule another appointment with the engine mapper. Extra time and cost is involved.

A power module tunes the engine by using live signals from the applicable sensors and will tune the car as long as the power module is installed. That means that if you decide to return your car to stock mapping, you simply remove the harness and module from your engine, or with our Power Modules, simply replace the connection to the Power Module with the provided bypass plug.

Customers often ask why they should pick a Power Module over a remap or vice versa. The most important point to make is not all diesel power modules are the same. Similarly not all remaps are the same. Which one is right for you is entirely dependent on your personal requirements.

Both high quality diesel Power Modules and high quality remaps can give very good results,
but the benefits are obvious for a Power Module.

A Power Module allows you to adjust the tune, transfer the Module to a new vehicle in future and costs substantially
less than a remap, while offering all the benefits.


Plug n Play Tuning

Elitedrive Plug and Play Tuning Modules are designed to boost the performance of your vehicle effortlessly. These modules seamlessly integrate with your car’s engine management system to enhance power, torque, and overall efficiency without the need for permanent modifications. Ideal for automotive enthusiasts seeking a quick upgrade, Elitedrive’s modules are engineered to optimize engine output while maintaining the integrity of the vehicle’s factory settings. Easy to install and compatible with a wide range of models, they provide a cost-effective solution to achieve superior performance.

Elitedrive-diesel power module - elitedrive


  • Increased Horsepower
  • Increased Kilowatt
  • No Additional Hardware Required
  • Tunes Based On Real Vehicle Results
  • Faster Acceleration
  • Re-Programmable
  • 5 Power Maps Installed
  • Guaranteed Results
  • Plug n Play
  • 3 Year Warranty
Elitedrive diesel advantage-module-with eco plus


  • Eco-Plus Included
  • Guaranteed Fuel Savings
  • Smoother Acceleration
  • Dyno Tuned Maps
  • No Additional Hardware Required
  • Tunes Based On Real Vehicle Results
  • Perfect Diesel Saving Solution
  • Re-Programmable
  • Guaranteed Results
  • 3 Year Warranty


  • Increased Horsepower
  • Increased Kilowatt
  • No Additional Hardware Required
  • Tunes Based On Real Vehicle Results
  • Faster Acceleration
  • Re-Programmable
  • 5 Power Maps Installed
  • Guaranteed Results
  • Plug n Play
  • 3 Year Warranty


Reach out to us as we are here to help with your questions and concerns with ordering and installing a Elitedrive Diesel or Petrol Tuning Module.